Saturday 12 December 2015



 Presidential candidate Kizza Besigye has warned Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto against coming to Uganda to campaign for President Museveni.

Addressing supporters in Soroti Municipality on Thursday, Dr Besigye equated President Museveni to a big tree whose roots have been uprooted and is just awaiting a final push.
“I think everyone can now see that Mr Museveni is really desperate. I saw he had called for help from Kenya, the Kenyan Vice (deputy) president came to try and support him from falling down. No support is good enough to take back the roots where they were in the ground. That work is done,” Dr Besigye said.
Dr Besigye warned Mr Ruto of consequences if he continued propping Mr Museveni who is running on the ruling NRM ticket. “I think Mr Ruto of Kenya should be careful to keep hanging with the falling tree, it may fall on him,” he said.

Mr Ruto was on Wednesday seen with President Museveni on campaign trail in Kapchorwa District. He refuted claims that the intention of his visit was to campaign for Mr Museveni. At a joint press briefing with Mr Museveni at Kapchorwa State Lodge, Mr Ruto said his visit was to confirm the partnership between Uganda and Kenya, enhance commerce and trade for a shared future.
Dr Besigye told supporters that they were about to witness history in 2016.
“This is going to be an election that will make history; no Ugandan leader has ever handed over power peacefully to another leader. We are going to see it happen this time round,” Dr Besigye, who is making his fourth shot at the presidency, said.
Citing unfulfilled promises such as compensation to the people in the region which Mr Museveni has made overtime, Dr Besigye said the pledges are now outdated and it is the reason the President has to leave power and go home.
The FDC flag bearer also ridiculed Mr Museveni’s promise to give hoes to every household in 2016 to improve agriculture.
“In 2016, Mr Museveni is promising to give Ugandans hand hoes to dig. There is no more time for those backward ideas, he will have to go with his hoes, we will have tractor services at every sub-county,” he said.

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