Monday 28 December 2015



EXTREMELY AILING former Cabinet minister aka total man Nicholas Biwott will back President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election in 2017 a recommendation critics have quickly classified as like  a kiss of death.

The critical classification is concretely He  based on fact that it's ridiculous for a man of Biwott's caliber to endorse the staggering UHURUTO administration while himself he gain stiff fame as suspect in all manner of crooked and criminal things that happened during MOI era.

''He was a criminal and a certified crooked from looting of parastals  to unfortunate and untimely death of high ranking government officers and politicians perceived to be a threat the Moi administration'', fired one angry critic,an argument that quickly reminds people of Dr. Robert Ouko's brutal death.

“The President and Deputy President William Ruto deserve a second term in office. The two have shown they can lead this country. There are clear indications that with another five-year term in office, they will do better,” Biwott said but without pointing out reasons.

He was speaking at Kewapsui Africa Inland Church in Tumeiyo, Elgeyo Marakwet county during a funds drive that mocked the Kenyan constitution when Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet who sits on an independent security body presented sh.1 million and sh.300,000 from Uhuru and Ruto respectively.

Biwott who looks haunted in a photo possibly taken during the funds drive gave out a paltry sh. 200,000.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Ngunyi: Sh15Bn spent in 43 FOREIGN TRIPS? Uhuru has entered the Guinness Book of Records

“You know me very well, I personally predicted that this administration would carry the day because of its ‘TYRANNY OF NUMBERS’ but, many especially those from the opposition disputed and fiercely hurled all sorts of unspeakable and unprintable adjectives, coupled with heavy oral stones from the so called CORD intellects, at me. Nonetheless, it all came to pass but now the truth must be said and if no one is ready to say it, I’ll say. President Kenyatta has potentially entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most traveled head of State. If he is not number one in the list of the most traveled Presidents, I am sure he is number two and nothing more than that. So far, he has spent the tax payers money amounting to the staggering sh15billion in just two years. What will happen in the remaining two and a half years? this administration is gradually losing it and its re-election might be a mirage. The advisers of the Presidency are asleep because their stomach infrastructures are taken care of. They don’t mind about National infrastructure.
There are people in this government who fear change. The only change they love is the one that is given in the shop after buying something” Said Mr. Ngunyi.

Friday 18 December 2015



Members of the Kisumu Centre Jua Kali Artisans Association are set to receive a title for a piece of land donated to them by former President Daniel Moi.

Chairman of the Kisumu Centre Jua Kali Artisans Association Jacob Copako said they are at advanced stage to get the land title deed from the Ministry of Lands Headquarters in Nairobi.

Speaking in Kisumu on Friday during the Association’s Annual General Meeting held at Kamas, Mr Copako said the land which they are pursuing to get a title deed was donated to the association by retired President Moi.

Copako said the pursuit for their land title deed has taken more than 20 years, adding that he strongly believes that they will possess it.

He said the matter of the association not having the title deed for the land which measures about eight hectares.

“As the chairman of the association and my team, we are really working on tirelessly to get a land title deed for this land which was donated to the association by former President Moi and I believe we will succeed in getting the land title deed,” Copako said.

Copako said the issue of not having the title deed has slowed the development to take place on the land.
The chairman said they will use the title deed to develop the land for the benefit of all the association’s members.

He said the association has a total of 2,600 registered members who are doing their work at the land.
Copako said there are also many people who work at the Jua kali place in Kisumu but are not registered members.

He further said he has greater plans to ensure his team brings development to the Association’s members.
“We have an elaborate development plans for this Association and its members so that each and every one of us become self reliance,” Copako added.


France has given Kenya a 40 million Euros (Sh4.4 billion) grant that will cover 27.5 per cent of a Lake Victoria water and sanitation, and slums upgrade project.

In the deal signed on Friday, the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation project was allocated Sh550million and the slums upgrade Sh3.9 billion.

The World Bank through the International Development Association will give 60.5 per cent of the fund, said Treasury CS Henry Rotich.

The Swedish International Development Agency and the government will each give six per cent, Rotich said during the signing at his office in Nairobi on Thursday...

"Lake Victoria is an important national and regional resource which not only supplies water to farms around the lake but also has great potential for the development of regional lake transport and tourism,” he said.

He said the project will result in easier access to the affordable and sustainable supply of clean, safe water in Kisumu.

Rotich said the kitty will also improve the Dunga water pumping system enabling a secondary distribution network from Mamboleo and Obwolo tanks in Northern Kisumu and supply of water to Ahero and Kiboswa-Peri.

Thursday 17 December 2015


KISUMU SEX workers  on Thursday joined the world in calling for an end violence against sex workers with a call for protection from the authority.

In almost every part of the country the commercial sex workers said  time has come for the government to de-criminalize the practice and allow the business to go on during the day; in addition to the traditional night leniency.

“I am not asking the government to openly endorse prostitution, but to at least repeal sections of the law which are very punitive to the practice. I will appreciate if we’re allowed to engage in the business openly during the day,” noted one of them

“For a long time, we have been discriminated upon, and now urge the government to create time, sit down with us and allow us open our hearts out to them; we are human beings,” echored Mrs . Kamau a Nairobi based collegeu

Ms Kamau noted that violence against commercial sex workers is alarmingly on an upward trend and further urged authorities to provide them with security.

“I have encountered violent clients who assault me, and those who don’t want to use protection. I cannot report the case to police officers because they judge and even look down upon me the moment I identify myself as a prostitute; I even risk being put behind bars.”

The Casual Coordinator for Kenya Sex Workers further urges the government to provide a conducive business environment for the practice – and when that is accorded, they say they will pay taxes willingly.


1. Respect the buyer; Greet the buyer before you sit.
2. Don't be boring, tell more stories but don't talk more than the buyer.
3. Always help the buyer with carrying beers from the counter
.4. Dance to any music that the buyer likes.

5. Buyer's jokes are always funny so laugh out loud.
6. When the buyer fights, fight
7. Wait for the buyer to finish his drink before you open another one, no matter how fast you drink.
When the buyer stops drinking, stop too
8. Always drink cheaper drinks than what the buyer drinks (No Heineken for you when I'm drinking castle lite)
9. You drink what the buyer wants you to drink
10. When using a cooler box, you are responsible for breaking the ice block
11. In a cooler box, the buyer's drinks should be at the bottom and yours at the top & you are responsible for taking out those drinks whenever the buyer calls
for one
12. If the cooler box is full, your drinks remain in the boot and outside the cooler
box until there's some space
13. Most importantly, if by some strange reason you have to leave and you had
drinks in the cooler box, you just leave empty handed, those drinks are the sole property of the buyer...
14.Wen the buyer steps on u, quickly say sorry with immediate accelaration
without any acute angle of retardation.
14.the buyers gal has 2b more beautiful than ur gal if vise visa, the buyer will
get ur gal
15.If the buyer says he had a funeral last year the mother died u shud cry uncontrollably while u are crying u will hear the buyer say give this man 5 Castles he's lost too muchwater!
16.if u r watchng football, support the
buyers team even if its Manchester United.
Thank you.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

'KIDERO CLAP' DISGUSTING, says Kisumu TOP scribe.

A KISUMU based senior journalist has raised concern over 'Kidero Clap', twisted in the region and enjoys rapid popularity after Governor Evans Kider's historical slap on Rachel Shebesh.

Allan Obiero who doubles as the Secretary General to a vibrant body,Kisumu Journalists Network (KJN) vehemently attacked those recommending 'Kidero clap' mostly used during thanks giving days and harambees saying it was a serious insult to the women.

This's how he went gun blazing on his social media account:

I've attended two meetings in the recent past, one as early as today. But what shocks me is that there is a clap called "Kidero Clap".

So when a time for thanking a speaker comes then someone boldly stands up and says lets conduct a Kidero Clap.

" ati kidero kidero kidero kidero, shebesh chapaa" and people clap.

This is a serious insult to the women and glorifying violence meted on women.
And surprisingly at times its the women who lead in this style of clap.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


Thugs broke into a petrol station, a gift from Jubilee administration to former Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki  and made away for a significant amount of money.

The petrol station, which is branded with National Oil Corporation colours was broken into the early morning hours of Tuesday, December 15, 2015, with the burglars making away with KSh 200,000 in cash.

It is reported that the station located in Nyeri County, Kibaki’s rural home, had just been opened three days earlier before the break in.

   “From the information we have gathered, we highly suspect there was a collusion,” Nyeri County police commander Eunice Kihiko who visited the scene of the burglary as quoted in Nairobi News.

Three unarmed men are said to have broken into the station located on the outskirts of Nyeri town at about 4 am on Tuesday and took off with the loot. Police suspect it was a well calculated inside job.

They are reported to have arrived at the petrol station in a saloon vehicle, held and tied a guard and two other workers on duty before breaking in.

Police took away the three workers who were on duty for questioning over possible collusion in the robbery.


dear mrs.mbugua.
it is not without my greatest consideration that I write this hopping that you are of good health both in body and mind. congratulations for the bundle/bundles of joy you are carrying. it is our constant prayers that he/she will join us in this mean planet soon.

without beating about the bush, I would like you to take a rest from work coz we would not want anything to happen to him/her. I will suggest a name for the baby when the time comes.
the gist of this letter is for you to take a rest and if its the company keeping you there then inbox me we do something.

A SEX ROMP 21 TIMES A MONTH keeps prostate cancer away, STUDY finds

Here at KISUMU RECORDER We declare this GOOD News to TEAM MAFISI.

A regular sex romp will help you avoid prostate cancer, at least according to a study of 30,000 men by Boston researchers.
The study found that men who had sex at least 21 times a month were 33 per cent less likely to develop prostate cancer.
Generally, men who had sex between 13 and 21 times a month, and had frequent ejaculations, were found to be on the safer side.
It could be that chemicals that cause cancer may be flushed out during sex as the prostate secretes most of the fluid in semen.
It is also possible that heightened sexual activity reduces the accumulation of calcium salts, which have been linked to cancer.
The researchers have not yet established the reason, and survey leader, Dr Michael Leitzmann of the National Cancer Institute, said it would be too soon for men to change their sexual habits.
A report on the study, that interviewed health professionals aged between 46 and 81, was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Monday.
The men were interviewed in 1992 and observed for a period of eight years.
A 2014 study in Montreal found that men who had more than 20 female sexual partners were 28 per cent less likely to develop the disease.
Study leader Professor Marie-Elise Parent, from the University of Montreal, however said the findings were preliminary and should not be used as a green light for promiscuity.
The professor’s findings were echoed by Graham Giles, a doctor who headed a research that proposed masturbation may also help prevent prostate cancer.
"Seminal fluid contain substances that are carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Regular ejaculation may help flush them out," he said.
Giles' study, carried out in Australia, had more than 2,300 respondents.
Those who masturbated five or more times a week were 34 per cent less likely to develop prostate cancer by age 70.
The converse was however found to be true for gays; men who had more than 20 partners and engaged in same-sex relationships doubled their risk of developing cancer.

CORD leader Raila Odinga has expressed his sympathy to the friends and family of the KTN anchor Ahmed Darwesh.


CORD leader Raila Odinga has expressed his sympathy to the friends and family of the KTN anchor Ahmed Darwesh. In a statement to the press, Raila expressed gratitude for the opportunity to know and work with him. He decribed Darwesh as deep, visionary and creative journalist. 

The statement read; 
"We retired last night with some very sad news The Standard Group had to share with all of us. Ahmed Darwesh, KTN’s lead Swahili Anchor, had passed on. On behalf of my family and the people of Kenya, I wish to express my very sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mr Ahmed Darwesh, the Standard Group and media fraternity.
The Standard Group has lost a deeply professional, visionary and creative journalist. Kenya has lost an amazing journalist. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Ahmed have lost a dear friend.
No words can adequately express our sadness at Ahmed’s death or our gratitude for the opportunity to know and work with him. We will honour his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much, of looking for the truth and expanding the frontiers of freedom. I stand with Mr Darwesh family, the company and staff of The Standard Group at this sad and trying moment."



Sunday 13 December 2015


Raila Odinga and his wife view the body of Jaramogi Oginga kenya's first vice president.


Mimi Raila Amolo Odinga, naambia Rais Uhuru Kenyatta wazi ya kwamba aache hasira na ajue siwezi tishwa kamwe; na kwa Naibu wake Ruto - acha matusi. Hata hiyo Kamiti wanaosikia hawajui iko namna gani - ni mimi mwenyewe ndiyo najua venye ndani yake iko. Wakitaka kuona cha mtema kuni, kesho waje wajaribu za ovyo. Narudia ya kwamba hela za Eurobond hakuna Mkenya mwenye amenukia harufu yake hata kidogo ~ RAILA ODINGA

PHOTOS: Kibera’s Kamkunji grounds FLOODED with HUMANITY, thousands attend Raila EUROBOND Rally


Kamkunji grounds is full to capacity, thousands have turned up signalling solidarity with CORD Leader Raila Odinga on his demands for answers from the government over EUROBOND cash.

Today in Kibra the message to President Uhuru was clear – Give us answers on not anger and tantrums. To DP William Ruto – don’t just talk and talk – walk the talk – declare your wealth and it’s sources then Kenyans may take your rhetoric seriously. Lastly, BABA is UNBWOGABLE. Hatishwi wala hababaishwi! Aluta Continua..


We have noted with concern wild allegations, personal attacks and threats by senior members of the Jubilee Administration in response to our demand that the Government account for how it used the proceeds of the Eurobond debt procured in June 2004. Kenyans recall the President ordering payment of a dubious judgment debt obtained by Anglo Leasing ghosts in a foreign court so that this borrowing can proceed.
It is a cardinal duty of the Opposition to hold Government to account, and in particular to scrutinize the use of public money. The Government claims the Eurobond debt financed development projects to the tune of Ksh. 197 billion. This is a lot of projects. Yet we live in this country and we have not seen national development projects of this magnitude underway, other than those that we know are financed by other sources.

The Government has failed to produce a list of projects financed by this money. We have been in Government and we know that this information exists--it is the basis of the budget. Why is the Government not showing Kenyans the projects funded by Euro Bond money?
We are aware that Ministries have been asked to compile projects that will show how the money was used and are unable to do so because they do not have projects to show.
The Government is now accusing those asking questions of economic sabotage because the value of the bonds it sold to foreign investors has fallen. The value of the bonds has fallen because the Government is unable to provide credible answers to questions that are as much of interest to investors as they are to us, not because questions have been asked. If we keep borrowing money and squandering it, we will sooner or later default, and all serious investor knows that.
The President has recently replaced six cabinet secretaries -- one third of the cabinet--due to corruption. Ruthless, even stupid, stealing of public money in the Planning and Devolution Ministry has recently been laid bare for all to see.
It is noteworthy that the Government shows this ministry as having received Ksh45 billion of Eurobond money, the second highest allocation. Indeed over 70 percent of the money was disbursed to ministries whose Cabinet Secretaries have been dismissed because of corruption. The people asking questions are not the saboteurs of the economy. The corrupt, incompetent Jubilee Government is the sole saboteur of the economy.
Three weeks ago, we urged the President to personally take charge of this matter so that it can be cleared up, lest it damages the country's financial standing. He has not done so. Instead, the Government is resorting to the cowardly repressive tactics of the past to intimidate the people and the media doing their patriotic and professional duty of demanding answers from the Government. We are not intimidated, and we shall not be cowed. We don’t get scared easily.
Mr. President, spare us the rhetoric. Spare the country your anger. Hasira ni Hasara. Rhetoric and anger are getting you nowhere. Answer the questions. Show us the projects your government funded with Euro Bond money. Prove to Kenyans that we are wrong by showing the projects.
Thank you.
Sunday December 13, 2015
At Serena Hotel, Nairobi

Saturday 12 December 2015



Cord leaders have dared Jubilee government to arrest Cord leader Raila Odinga over the Eurobond funds saga.

Homa Bay women Representative Gladys Wanga, Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma, Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabir and Kondele MCA Gabriel Ochieng told EACC to drop the threat.

Wanga said Raila should be protected as a whistle blower instead of being compelled to record a statement over the alleged loss of Sh140 billion Eurobond fund.

She said Kenya cannot afford to be taken back to dark Kanu days where people were not allowed to question the government.

She said the opposition is simply playing their oversight role in the fight against corruption and therefore should not be intimidated.

“We will not allow the government to criminalise the opposition for carrying out their oversight mandate,” Wanga said.

She added that Cord will not allow Raila to be intimidated by people who lack capacity to carry out any investigation.

Addressing a press conference in Kisumu town, she said EACC as currently constituted cannot legitimately probe the controversial Eurobond.

Wanga said Raila is an institution with more than six million supporters hence should not be intimidated for questioning the loss of monies.

She told President Uhuru Kenyatta to come out and fight rampant corruption in his government instead of focusing on Raila.

"If you cannot sustain the heat in the kitchen then come out and let those who can to run the government. President Uhuru should stop diverting attention from Eurobond saga by issuing summons or arrest threats to a whistle-blower," Wanga said.

Speaking during Jamhuri Day celebration in Kisumu, Shabir said Treasury CS Henry Rotich and his PS Kamau Thugge should explain to Kenyans how the entire Eurobond monies were handled.

Ranguma asked the government to exercise tolerance and fair criticism in handling corruption matters by protecting whistle-blowers.

He faulted Deputy President William Ruto over his remarks that the opposition criticism is only aimed at scaring away investors.

He termed the statement by Ruto as irresponsible and regrettable, moreso from a leader of his calibre.

"Ruto should not brand the opposition as saboteurs just because they are seeking the truth on behalf of Kenyans," Ranguma said.

Ochieng noted that the country’s economy is suffering at the expense of those stealing public resources. The MCA said attempt to arrest Raila will be resisted at all cost warning unspecified action should officers take the Cord leader into custody.

 Raila has accused the National Treasury of cooking their books of account to hide the missing Sh 140 billion.

He said Cord’s repeated request to Treasury with regard to the missing monies is in good faith, but which has been met by contradictory statements from officials and accounts that still do not add up.

Raila insisted that the accounts still don’t balance despite all the apparently feverish massaging by civil servants.

This follows a summons by the EACC for the Cord leader to report to the Commission's offices on Monday failure to which he will be liable for prosecution.

On Thursday, two CID officers and two forensic investigators from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission went to Raila’s Capitol Hill office to serve him with summons.

Raila has claimed for weeks that the government lost Sh140 billion of the Eurobond’s proceeds, prompting an investigations order by Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko.

He declined to appear at Integrity Centre, with his lawyers including Moses Wetang’ula, James Orengo, Tom Kajwang’ and Paul Mwangi dismissed the threat and summons, saying Raila was protected as a whistleblower by law.



 Presidential candidate Kizza Besigye has warned Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto against coming to Uganda to campaign for President Museveni.

Addressing supporters in Soroti Municipality on Thursday, Dr Besigye equated President Museveni to a big tree whose roots have been uprooted and is just awaiting a final push.
“I think everyone can now see that Mr Museveni is really desperate. I saw he had called for help from Kenya, the Kenyan Vice (deputy) president came to try and support him from falling down. No support is good enough to take back the roots where they were in the ground. That work is done,” Dr Besigye said.
Dr Besigye warned Mr Ruto of consequences if he continued propping Mr Museveni who is running on the ruling NRM ticket. “I think Mr Ruto of Kenya should be careful to keep hanging with the falling tree, it may fall on him,” he said.

Mr Ruto was on Wednesday seen with President Museveni on campaign trail in Kapchorwa District. He refuted claims that the intention of his visit was to campaign for Mr Museveni. At a joint press briefing with Mr Museveni at Kapchorwa State Lodge, Mr Ruto said his visit was to confirm the partnership between Uganda and Kenya, enhance commerce and trade for a shared future.
Dr Besigye told supporters that they were about to witness history in 2016.
“This is going to be an election that will make history; no Ugandan leader has ever handed over power peacefully to another leader. We are going to see it happen this time round,” Dr Besigye, who is making his fourth shot at the presidency, said.
Citing unfulfilled promises such as compensation to the people in the region which Mr Museveni has made overtime, Dr Besigye said the pledges are now outdated and it is the reason the President has to leave power and go home.
The FDC flag bearer also ridiculed Mr Museveni’s promise to give hoes to every household in 2016 to improve agriculture.
“In 2016, Mr Museveni is promising to give Ugandans hand hoes to dig. There is no more time for those backward ideas, he will have to go with his hoes, we will have tractor services at every sub-county,” he said.


ODM office in Kisumu has called for mass protest following threats to arrest Cord leader Raila Odinga over Eurobond saga.
County chairman Dave Okwach said party supporters will march along the streets of Kisumu town on Monday morning to compel EACC to drop the threat.

“We will protest because we believe that EACC as currently constituted cannot legitimately probe the controversial Eurobond,” Okwach said in Kisumu town on Friday.
“We will not allow Raila who is our party leader to be intimidated by people who lack capacity to carry out any investigation.”...…/odm-calls-protest-kisumu-over-r