Wednesday 13 January 2016

FIRE Auditor General at your own RISK, KENYAN VETERAN scribe WARNS president KENYATTA


TOP notch Kenyan journalist Jaindi Kisero has warned Jubilee administration of eminent trouble should they sack Auditor General Edward Ouko, painted as the chief whistle-blower in the Eurobond saga.

 A robust Kenyan Newspaper initially put it bravely, the office of Auditor General was in panic mode after it emerged that Jubilee honchos were pilling pressure on President Kenyatta to fire Ouko, a man they accused to be a Raila mole.

Kisero in a hard hitting article on his favorite column which appeared on Wednesday's Daily Nation Newspaper, observed that Mr. Ouko was in no position to change the Eurobond narrative to fit what Jubilee wants even if he's threatened with sack.

''If Mr. Ouko is being pressured on the Eurobond matter, then the powers that be are frying the wrong person,'' he fired.

In what is shaping up as a fierce succession strategy, sources were in chorus that the government is determined to have Ouko’s deputy John Kagondu, believed to be a close buddy of senior Jubilee leaders, take over as the next Auditor General.

Kisero, one of the longest serving journalists at Nation and a respected authority in business journalism noted ''the government shoots itself in the foot by claiming to be committed to fighting corruption while at the same time muzzle such offices as this one''.

He noted that the now troubled office occupies a pole position when it comes to the architecture of the critical institution that make up integrity system adding that what the government was doing amounts to rotten politics.

Kisero described Kenya as a country where grand corruption and political patronage are what lubricate politics.

Sources at Nation indicated that the management is at cross roads on whether to suspend Kisero column or not, just days after another top journalist at the Newspaper Denis Galava  suffered suspension after he penned a scathing copy against President Kenyatta.

 Both Jaindi Kisero and Macharia Gaitho took early retirement from Daily Nation but successfully managed to  continue writing their columns.

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